lgirardi (22)

If it isn't there, it can't break.

Websocket, Cloudflare tunnel, apache httpd and a bit of security

Here we are I've recently updated part of my private infrastructure to better handle some security aspects and I opened the Pandora's box This one of the scenarios (what made me crazy) where websocket are in use , grafana, since version 8.~ starts to use…

HPA vs Rate-limit

Strange ... we are using hpa to increase the availability and we are introducing rate limit to reduce? Well let's create the context... This story is not a true o false sentence, it's a sort of analysis based on a few assumptions: In Kubernetes, a…

application rate limit 

For some reasons that i will share later on in a dedicated discussion, i had the need to create a rate limit inside the application. For this scenario we have 2 greddy options: the code way This is the simplest one but has some side…

YA vpn service in kubernetes

Table of contents Why Key generation Kubernetes deployment Test and results Why Honestly i was scared to dismiss my beloved ipsec based on strongswan, however on of my colleagues shared me how low is the overhead of wireguard, so i was interested to check myself. First…

Lazy people do it better

We are usually habit, sometimes, to react to some events with predefined actions If we increase the traffic then we increase the resources That is true and in some scenario is still the procedure , however i think we need to better understand what we have…