Websocket, Cloudflare tunnel, apache httpd and a bit of security

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Here we are


I've recently updated part of my private infrastructure to better handle some security aspects and I opened the Pandora's box

Starting point 

This one of the scenarios (what made me crazy) where websocket are in use , grafana, since version 8.~ starts to use websocket to update dashboards


The original idea was to define a "role" for each aspect

Used as global security header , this will take care to implement the same level of security for each application exposed

Used to "obfuscate" the origin and implement a sort of protection even if it's the free version of Cloudflare 

Firewall linux based cause i need to make same acl and fw rules

VMware ESXi Vmware esxi as a "flat" platform to abstract hardware brands, extend portability, backups, etc etc

Top Kubernetes Management Platforms | Datamation Kubernetes for all the workloads can be run as immutable images

Virtual machines when i need disk pressure 

The code used for workers was the following

const securityHeaders = {
"X-Xss-Protection":"1; mode=block",

async function addHeaders(req) {

if (newHeaders.has("Content-Type") &&!newHeaders.get("Content-Type").includes("text/html")) {
status: response.status,
statusText: response.statusText,
headers: newHeaders


status: response.status,
statusText: response.statusText,
headers: newHeaders

addEventListener("fetch", event => event.respondWith(addHeaders(event.request)));
Anyway now there is a specific topic in cloudflare portal about the alter headers for security ... https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/examples/security-headers/


